Business Software Group

Legal Notice

Ownership of the website

This website ( is owned by VVV BUSINESS SOFTWARE GROUP, S.L. (hereinafter referred to as BSG Group) with Tax ID B67619775, and registered address at Calle Galileo Galilei 12, Elche Business Park, 03203 ELCHE (ALICANTE). The entity is duly registered in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona, Volume 47327, Folio 186, Page 548642, Entry 1. You can contact us via email at:

Purpose of the site

The purpose of the site is to publicize the BSG Group software solutions business group, as well as the advantages of joining this project.

User acceptance

The use of the website grants you the status of user thereof (hereinafter, the “User”), and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice, in the version published by the “website”, at the very moment in which the User accesses it. As a consequence, it is the User’s duty to carefully read this legal notice every time they use the Website, because it may undergo modifications.

Use of the website and User Responsibility

The user agrees to use the website, as well as its services and contents without violating its conditions of use, current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses and public order.

Likewise, the use of the website for illicit or harmful purposes against BSG Group or third parties, or that could cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the website, is prohibited.

Both access to the website and the use that may be made of the information and content included therein will be the exclusive responsibility of the person who does so.

BSG Group reserves the right to deny at any time and without prior notice, access to the website to those users who fail to comply with this legal notice.

Intellectual Property

The Site and the contents housed therein are protected by current legislation on intellectual property. Copying, modification, reproduction, downloading, transmission, distribution or generation of works derived from the contents of the page is expressly prohibited, without the prior authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights, or if it is legally permitted.

Access to the Site does not presuppose the acquisition by users of property rights over the contents that appear therein.

Reservation of rights

BSG Group may, when it deems appropriate, make corrections, improvements or modifications to the structure, web design, as well as any information contained on the page, modify or eliminate products, the conditions of access or even use of the website unilaterally. and without prior notice without giving rise or right to any claim or compensation, nor implying recognition of any liability.

BSG Group reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or terminate the provision of the website service or any of the services that comprise it.

Exclusion of guarantees and liability

BSG Group does not provide any guarantees and is not responsible for any damages or harm of any kind that may arise from:
  • The lack of availability and technical continuity or the functioning of the website.
  • The presence of viruses, malicious, or harmful programs in the content.
  • The lack of usefulness, suitability, or validity of the website, services, or content in meeting the needs, activities, or expectations of users.
  • The negligent or unlawful use of the website in general, which does not comply with the rules defined in this legal notice, good faith, or public order.
  • Errors: Regarding the existence of errors or inaccuracies on the website, VVV BUSINESS SOFTWARE GROUP, S.L. shall not be held responsible in any case, as the content has been drafted in good faith. Should such errors occur, BSG Group will rectify them as soon as possible upon becoming aware of them.

Link Policy

The website may include “links” or text or graphic hyperlinks to other web pages and content located outside These may be owned by third parties.

The website uses these “links” to provide additional information to the User. Since they may be entirely unrelated to BSG Group, the company is not responsible in any case for the mentioned web pages, their content, or any consequences that accessing such links may cause to the User.

Likewise, BSG Group only authorizes third parties to establish “links” from their websites as long as they comply with the obligations established in this Legal Notice.

In particular, the “link” must ensure that the website is displayed in its entirety within the browser window, without its content being shown through frames. Notwithstanding the above, BSG Group reserves the right to require such third parties to immediately remove the “links” to the Website whenever it deems appropriate.

The establishment of a “link” will in no case imply the existence of a relationship between the third party that includes it and BSG Group, nor the knowledge or acceptance by BSG Group of the services and content offered on that website.

BSG Group assumes no responsibility for any damage or harm of any kind that may result from access, maintenance, use, quality, legality, reliability, content, information, communications, opinions, products, etc., offered on websites that are not managed by BSG Group.

In accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, BSG Group acts as a provider of intermediary services, meaning it will only be responsible for the content and services provided on the Linked Sites to the extent that it has actual knowledge of their illegality and has not acted with due diligence to remove them. If the user considers that any of the Linked Sites contain unlawful or inappropriate content, they may notify BSG Group via the email provided at the beginning of this Legal Notice, and the company will proceed diligently to remove such links. In no case shall BSG Group be held responsible for the content and services offered on the Linked Sites, nor for any damages caused by their illegality, quality, obsolescence, unavailability, error, or uselessness.